Building Principal Interview Questions

46 Share a time when you willingly took on additional responsibilities or challenges. How did you successfully meet all of the demands of these responsibilities? (Make sure the candidate is a self-starter and can demonstrate some initiative.)
47 Describe a time when you successfully persuaded another person to change his/her way of thinking or behavior.
48 Provide an example of when you were persistent in the face of obstacles.
49 Share an experience in which your attention to detail and thoroughness had an impact on your last company.
50 Describe an experience in which your ability to work well with others and reconcile differences helped your company or employer. (Make sure the candidate knows how to negotiate.)
51 Share an experience in which your collaboration with teachers helped you develop effective curriculum standards, a mission statement, or set attainable goals and objectives.
52 Describe an experience in which you were able to improve a teaching method or learning material by your evaluation of curricula or teaching techniques. How did your observations help you determine which areas needed improvement?
53 What makes you successful in enforcing discipline and attendance rules?
54 Share an example of when you established and accomplished a goal that was personally challenging. What helped you succeed?
55 Tell me about a program which you successfully coordinated across one or more school districts. How did it help your students?
56 Share an experience in which you successfully helped a student with a difficult problem.
57 Provide a time when you evaluated curricula, teaching methods, or programs. How did you improve upon their effectiveness, efficiency or utilization?
58 Tell me about effective methods you have used to recruit, hire, train, and evaluate a staff.
59 Tell me about the last time you set successful educational standards or goals. What policies or procedures did you establish to carry them out?
60 Tell me about a time when you developed your own way of doing things or were self-motivated to finish an important task.